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Government Center7593 Bunnell Hill Road Springboro,  OH 45066



Submittal deadline is August 29, 2022, at 10 a.m.

The Board of Clearcreek Township Trustees hereby gives notice that the Clearcreek Fire District is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from...


MAR 12, 2024

The Clearcreek Fire District invites your firm’s bid for the PURCHASE OF 53 SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS AND ACCESSORIES, as described in the specifications found here. Sealed bids clearly marke...

Large puddle of water in ditch

What does it mean to make your home green for stormwater? Green stormwater practices around your home use plants, soils, and other elements to manage water quality and mimic the natural water cycle. G...


A horse, on average, can weigh nearly 1,000 pounds and can defecate roughly 13 times a day. This roughly equates to about 50 pounds of wet manure a day – including urine. The bedding that is gathered ...

in-ground pool

Pool Draining Guide

OCT 6, 2023

We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but the end of summer is quickly approaching.

While that means pumpkin-spiced lattes, football, and changing leaves are all around the corner, it might also mea...

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