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Government Center7593 Bunnell Hill Road Springboro,  OH 45066

Service Area

The Clearcreek Township Road Maintenance Department strives day and night to provide our residents with prompt and efficient service while maintaining public safety.

 The Road Maintenance Department oversees the improvement and maintenance of township roads, including signage, curbs, potholes, roadside mowing, roadside brush trimming, snow removal, and the maintenance of drainage ditches within the road right of way. The maintenance staff maintains roughly 97 center lane (194 lane miles) miles of public roads.

NOT all roads within the township are maintained by Clearcreek Township.

 State Routes        Warren County Roads
48   Lower Springboro Road
73   Springboro Road 
122   Red Lion Five Points Road (Parts)
123   Township Line Road
741   Lytle Five Points Road
    Old 122
Ohio Department of Transportation(513) 932-3030   Warren County(513) 695-3329

What to be aware of while driving during a snow event 

Some plows make frequent stops and backup maneuvers. Do not drive your car behind a snowplow, as the driver may be unable to see you and inadvertently back into your car. If you are behind a plow that stops, stop your vehicle so that your car looks into the driver’s outside mirror, and please give them extra room. Drivers are also urged to give an oncoming snow truck right of way. During the winter months, the berm or shoulder of the road is often too soft to support the weight of a loaded truck. These drivers cannot move off the road to let oncoming traffic pass on narrow roads. If you see a salt truck approaching while on a narrow road, please be courteous and pull off into the nearest driveway and let the snow truck pass. Please be especially careful and courteous when driving around salt trucks and snowplows.

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